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Articles about sleep and insomnia

Our team reviews scientific literature and curates relevant information about sleep and insomnia for our readers. Some articles are available below. If you want to improve your sleep, you can start Sleepstation today.

Get the basics right — 20 simple changes

If you’re looking for a quick and easy guide to better sleep, this is the article for you. We’ve pulled together our top, science-backed tips to help you optimise your sleep and achieve the peaceful nights you deserve.

Woman with Doxepin bottle

Doxepin for sleep: what is it and will it help you sleep well?

Doxepin is an antidepressant that’s been around for decades and recently to treat insomnia. In our article, we take a detailed look at doxepin including how it impacts sleep and the side effects you should be aware of.


Lunesta (eszopiclone) for sleep: what you need to know

Lunesta, the brand name for eszopiclone, is just one of the ‘Z’ drugs prescribed for sleep. In this article we look at in detail, explaining its side effects and how effective it is as a short-term treatment for sleep problems.

Daridorexant: can it fix your insomnia?

Daridorexant, sold under the brand name Quiviviq, is a fairly new insomnia drug that works differently to sleep medications you might have heard of before. In this article we’re going to look at just why this is.


Hydroxyzine for sleep: can it help with insomnia?

As part of our series on sleep medications, we take a look at the antihistamine hydroxyzine. In this article, we explain what it’s used for, how effective it is at treating sleep and what you should consider before taking it.


CBTi — does it really work for insomnia?

Feel like you’ve tried everything out there but still can’t sleep? In this article we examine the gold standard of insomnia treatments, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for insomnia (CBTi) and how it could be the key to sleeping soundly once again.


The ideal bedroom setup

Your bedroom should be your sleep sanctuary, a comfortable and secure retreat from the stresses and strains of the day. In this article we explore all the elements that go into making your bedroom the perfect place for optimal sleep.


Coping strategies and advice for managing anxiety

Anxiety’s a normal part of life, but sometimes it can become a problem and interfere with your sleep. In this article, we’ve put together our top tips to help you deal with anxiety and improve your sleep.


Why is Sleepstation so effective?

There are a number of tools you can use to improve your sleep, ranging from medicines to make you drowsy before going to bed, through to hypnosis and acupuncture. We explain why we think Sleepstation is one of the best options available.


Jet lag: what is it and can it be avoided?

Though it’s only a short term disorder, jet lag can have a real impact on your health and wellbeing while travelling. In this article we’ll explain exactly what jet lag is, what causes it and how to reduce its effects for a more enjoyable travel experience.


Sleep deprivation: what are the risks and can they be reversed?

Sleep deprivation is a problem on a global scale: we’re just not getting the sleep we need. We’re going to look at what’s fueling this worldwide lack of sleep and what you can do to ensure you’re getting the sleep you need.


CBD for sleep — can it help you?

There are a lot of claims that CBD can help you sleep, but is there any evidence to back them up? In this article, we’ll explain just what it is about CBD that’s making people turn to it as a sleep aid and whether the science backs up the hype.


Why am I sleeping so much? Should I be worried?

Could you be sleeping too much? Maybe daytime sleepiness is interfering with your life and work. This article is for anybody who’s worried they might be sleeping too much or wants to learn more about the causes behind oversleeping, how it affects your health and steps to take if you’re sleeping away your life.


Temazepam: will it help you get deep sleep?

Temazepam (Restoril) is a sleeping pill that has been in use for decades. In this article we look at the history of temazepam, whether it can help you sleep, the potential side effects of taking it and where to turn if you’re looking for drug-free alternatives to help you sleep.


Magnesium and sleep ― how are they related?

Can magnesium help you sleep? In this article we’re going to look at why magnesium’s been gaining popularity as a sleep aid, the functions of this essential mineral in your body and whether it really can help you get restful sleep.


Obstructive sleep apnea — everything you need to know

As the numbers of people diagnosed with sleep apnea continue to rise, even more are living with the disorder without even realising. In this article we’ll explore what causes sleep apnea, how to spot the symptoms and the treatment options if you are diagnosed with different types of sleep apnea.


How to fall asleep fast

Are you looking for ways to fall asleep fast at night? Or maybe you want to know how to get back to sleep if you wake in the night? This article’s for you. We’ve reviewed some popular methods for falling asleep fast and added our advice on how to get to sleep quickly at night.


Trazodone for sleep: what you need to know

Trazodone is an antidepressant that has been gaining popularity as a sleep pill. In this article we look at the pros and cons of trazodone and we examine whether it truly is a useful medication for sleep.


REM sleep — what is it and why does it matter? 

You spend roughly a quarter of your time asleep in REM sleep, but what does this mean? In this article we’ll explain exactly what REM sleep is, how it impacts your health and wellbeing and how to make sure you’re getting enough.


Sleep and cancer

There are many reasons why experiencing cancer can affect your sleep. In this article we consider a range of steps that can help to protect and improve your sleep as you deal with a life-changing diagnosis.


Long COVID and sleep

More and more people are experiencing so-called ‘long COVID’ following an initial COVID-19 infection. In this article we examine its symptoms and effects and look at how your sleep can be affected… and how improved sleep could help you tackle long COVID.


Does lettuce water help you sleep?

Thanks to a popular TikTok craze, lettuce has gained a reputation as some kind of miracle sleep aid. In this article we look at the science behind the craze and examine why people have been using lettuce’s medicinal qualities for centuries.


Zopiclone and sleep

Zopiclone — one of the so-called Z drugs — is primarily used for the short-term treatment of sleep problems. In this article we discuss its potential benefits, reported side effects and how it rates as an effective alternative to benzodiazepines.


Sleep and immunity

The COVID-19 pandemic brought into sharp focus the close relationship between sleep and the immune system. In this article we examine that relationship in detail and consider how a range of infections can challenge your immune system and impact upon your sleep.


Is rest as good as sleep?

Is resting your eyes as good as sleep? There’s a common perception that resting and sleeping are of equal benefit. In this article we debunk that myth and argue the case for sleep over rest every time.


Sleep and mental health: a special relationship

Poor sleep can affect our mental health and our emotional state can impact on our sleep. In this article we explore the close relationship between sleep and mental wellbeing as well as hear from two people who have improved both their sleep and mental health through the Sleepstation programme.


Medicines that can affect sleep

A wide range of medicines are available to help you sleep, but it can be a minefield deciding what’s right for you and whether a drug-free approach might work best. In this article we look at what’s on the market and what you need to know about medicines for sleep.


What is fatigue?

The true meaning of fatigue remains a hot topic for debate. In this article we examine fatigue’s relationship with sleepiness and tiredness and look at how its symptoms can be identified, treated and controlled.


Can lack of sleep lead to Alzheimer’s? 

We know that people with Alzheimer’s disease are more likely to experience sleep disorders. In turn, poor sleep can affect how the brain works. This article looks at the relationship between Alzheimer’s and sleep, examining what can be done to improve the sleep of those with the disease and the people who care for them.


Treat insomnia early and don’t give up on the way

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to have treatment for insomnia, or what the best and worst parts are? Are you unsure if/when you should seek help for sleep problems? In this article, we answer these frequently asked questions and more.


Sleep and the horse racing industry

The horse racing industry is driven by a dedicated workforce that frequently goes above and beyond in its search for professional excellence. However, a number of demanding roles require focus, alertness and a keen attention to detail. In this article we examine why sleep is so important to those working on horse racing’s front-line and why prioritising a routine that involves regular rest is vital.


How Ramadan can affect your sleep

Fasting in Ramadan can have a major impact on your sleep habits, with people often experiencing insomnia during this month. We’ve examined where sleep fits into the Islamic faith and how fasting might affect your sleep quality. We’ve also prepared some useful tips on how to return to your usual sleep routine after Ramadan ends.


Seroquel (quetiapine) for sleep: will it work for you?

Drugs with sedative side effects are becoming an increasingly common alternative to sleeping tablets in the treatment of insomnia. In this article we focus on quetiapine — often marketed as Seroquel in the USA — and look at whether or not it’s an effective treatment for patients struggling with their sleep.


Why can’t I sleep?

From time to time you might ask yourself ‘why can’t I sleep?’. It’s a familiar question and there’s no simple answer. However, in this article we look at why you might be struggling to sleep and what you can do to get back on track.


Are weighted blankets good for sleep?

Can weighted blankets ease the pressure on sleep? In this article, we examine the evidence to uncover the truth behind an increasingly popular approach to improving sleep.


Amitriptyline for sleep, is it a bad idea?

Amitriptyline is an increasingly popular choice for the treatment of insomnia but is it right for you and does it really work? In this article we look at the history of the drug, its side effects and its effectiveness as a prescribed sleep aid.


Choosing the ideal bed

Looking for the most comfortable mattress? Thinking about buying a new bed? In this article, sleep expert Dr Neil Stanley warns against an impulse purchase and explains why it’s worth investing time and money in search of the most comfortable sleep.


Restless legs syndrome and movement during sleep

Movement at night — whether you’re fast sleep or wide awake — can impact significantly on a good night’s rest for you and your partner. In this article, we look at uncontrollable limbs and painful leg cramps and how you can take back control of both.


A short history of sleep hygiene

The phrase ‘sleep hygiene’ is commonly used when talking about tips and techniques to help you get to sleep and stay asleep. But what are the origins of the phrase and what does it mean today?


CBN: a sleep aid or not?

CBN oil is increasingly promoted as a popular sleep aid but can the cannabis extract really help you achieve a better night’s rest? In this article we break down CBN and consider its potential benefits for those suffering from poor sleep.


Sleep tracking: the inside track

To track or not to track? In this article we discuss whether the new generation of hi-tech wearables provide a clear and accurate picture of your sleeping habits.



Zolpidem — one of the so-called Z drugs — is primarily used for the short-term treatment of sleep problems. In this article we discuss its potential benefits, reported side effects and how it rates as an effective alternative to benzodiazepines.


Drowsy driving: a dangerous journey

Drowsy driving is dangerous driving. In this article, we outline the threat of sleep deprivation to drivers providing an insight into this silent killer and expert advice for those thinking of taking a trip despite feeling tired.


Menopause and sleep

Sleep disorders are extremely common during the menopause so we’ve gone deep into the literature to examine just why this transition can have such a dramatic effect on your sleep. Read on to find out how you can optimise your sleep during the menopause.


Is Movember’s lockdown keeping you awake?

Movember wasn’t meant to coincide with a second national lockdown but there’s never been a greater focus of men’s physical and mental health. In this article Dr Neil Stanley considers men’s relationship with sleep and explains why good sleep boosts health across the board.


Sexsomnia: a contentious diagnosis

Sexsomnia is a very rare but frighteningly real sleep disorder. In this article we uncover the truth behind this parasomnia that divides legal teams and disrupts lives.


Nicotine: how does it affect your sleep?

It’s well known that drinking coffee and alcohol can affect your sleep. But what about smoking? We take a look at nicotine’s impact on sleep and why quitting cigarettes could boost your health.


Can lack of sleep cause weight gain?

When it comes to weight gain we face a triple threat. Everybody knows that poor diet and a lack of exercise can lead to piling on the pounds, but missing out on quality sleep can be just as damaging to our waistlines.


Dark mornings needn’t become dark days

Are dark mornings getting you down? Do you struggle to climb out from under your duvet during the cold winter months? You’re not alone. In this article, we look at why darkness affects our sleep and mental health and how we can wake up to a better day during winter.


How does depression affect your sleep?

Depression is synonymous with poor sleep and vice versa. In this article we explore the relationship between two uncomfortable bedfellows and consider how to break a debilitating cycle.


Why do we change the clocks?

There’s been a lot of debate over whether we should continue to move the clocks back and forward for Daylight Saving Time. In this article we dig into the history of these clock changes and debate the pros and cons of a controversial decision.


What causes sleep paralysis? Can it be prevented?

Sleep paralysis is relatively common but commonly misunderstood. In this article sleep expert Dr Neil Stanley goes behind the headlines to examine its root causes, consider possible solutions and determine how sleep paralysis gained its fearful reputation.


Why weekend lie-ins probably aren’t a good idea

Plenty of people enjoy a weekend lie-in and who can blame them? In this article, we look at the science to see if they’re really as good for us as they feel.


How negative thinking can disrupt your sleep

Negative thought at bedtime can stop you sleeping and poor sleep can increase your negative thinking. This can develop into a vicious cycle of negative thoughts and poor sleep. In this article, we show you how to banish negative thoughts, break the cycle and get back to sleeping well.


Snoring ― what causes it, can you stop it?

Snoring is an irritating, and occasionally serious, sleep disorder. In this article sleep expert Dr Neil Stanley discusses the causes of snoring, its potential impact and possible solutions.


Sleep disorders, the silent epidemic?

How often do we hear about the epidemic of sleep disorders? Virtually never. Yet, just as with COVID-19, problems with sleep also cause illness, increase the strain on health services, affect economies and interfere with our daily lives. Just not in ways that are immediately and glaringly visible.


Temperature and sleep. How our environment affects our sleep

Have you ever wondered why hot and cold rooms affect your sleep? Or why you sleep better in some clothes than in others? In this article we discover how it’s all down to the body’s sensitivity to changes in temperature.


Mirtazapine and sleep: will it help you sleep better?

Mirtazapine is an antidepressant which may be useful as a sleep aid for people with insomnia. In this article we look at what’s currently known about how this drug works and whether it may be suitable as a treatment for chronic insomnia.


Netflix and sleep

On-demand services allow us to watch what we want, when we want. But is ‘just one more episode’ harming your sleep? Problems can arise when ‘binge watching’ becomes more important than sleep. Read on to find out how you can keep enjoying Netflix and get good quality sleep.


Can’t sleep? Overthinking? How thought blocking can help

Modern life isn’t easy. If you find yourself awake unable to sleep due to worrying intrusive thoughts then thought blocking might be the answer.


How to access insomnia treatment on the NHS

It’s not always possible to resolve sleep problems by yourself and you may find that you need help from a doctor or specialist sleep service. If you’ve been sleeping badly for more than four weeks we’d recommend you seek advice. Here’s a guide to accessing insomnia treatment on the NHS.


Is it normal to have more vivid dreams during lockdown?

In our recent survey, women reported experiencing more vivid dreams during lockdown. In this article, Dr Neil Stanley explains the science of dream sleep and offers an answer to why this might be happening.


How to get good sleep, even if you’re a shift worker

Shift work is notorious for disrupting sleep, but it is possible to be able to sleep regularly and consistently even if you’re a shift worker. Find out how.


Advice to help you improve your sleep during lockdown

We don’t want you to have to worry about sleep on top of everything else. This guide outlines some very effective techniques to improve sleep that are quite easy to implement.


How can Sleepstation help you sleep better, and what makes it so popular?

Poor sleep can cause lots of problems and when it’s not treated, those problems can last for decades. Thankfully, it’s also very treatable. Read on to find out how we do it.


Is there an upside to lockdown?

Despite the anxiety and disruption caused by the current restrictions imposed as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, this could be the ideal opportunity to improve your sleep. Dr Stanley offers practical advice to improve sleep and a free downloadable guide to better sleep.


Mind the gap please — why social distancing is socially responsible

With so many terms flying about, we thought we’d provide you with a clear, fact-based explanation of what social distancing means. We’ll explain why it’s so important and how your actions can help in the fight against COVID-19.


Can sleep boost immunity?

Getting good quality sleep is essential for physical and mental wellbeing. In this article we discuss the facts and dispel some of the myths surrounding sleep and immunity. We’ll also provide you with some evidence-based advice in response to the current coronavirus situation.


How to build the perfect wind-down routine

A good wind-down routine can help you to sleep better at night. In this article we explore how your evening activities can influence your sleep and share our expert tips and advice to help you create the perfect wind-down routine.


Can social media use affect our sleep?

Many of us check our social media accounts just before we go to sleep, but did you know that this can actually be a really bad idea if you want a good night’s rest? Read on to find out just how your social media habits can impact on your sleep.


Can melatonin help you sleep?

Although often thought of as the ‘sleep hormone’, melatonin does not put us to sleep. So what does it do? Can it really help us sleep? Is there a reason it’s not widely licensed for use in the UK?


Sleep stages: what are they and why are they important?

Did you know that your sleep changes throughout the night? In this article we explore what’s really going on in your brain and body as you pass through each of the stages of sleep and we discuss simple lifestyle changes to keep your sleep on track.


How much sleep do you really need?

We’re often told that we need to get a solid eight hours of sleep per night, but in fact your sleep need is as individual as you are. Here we discuss the factors that determine how much sleep you need in order to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead.


New Year and sleep

It’s that time of year when many of us start to consider our New Year’s resolutions. If you really want to make your resolutions stick this year then read on to find out how better sleep can help you achieve your goals.


Sleep and Christmas

Christmas is the time to eat, drink and be merry and good sleep can actually help you enjoy the festivities more. This article is packed full of helpful tips and expert advice to ensure the best sleep possible during the festive season.


Sleep better, live better: how sleep length affects heart health

We look at the effect of sleep on heart health, and how important it is to get the right amount of sleep to reduce the risk of heart disease and heart attack.


Spend less time in bed and sleep better

Unlike a course of sleeping pills, sleep improvements from a course of sleep restriction therapy last for many months after treatment. Dr Mulla explains what makes this technique so effective.


Is a sound-based alarm clock the best way to wake up?

Sound-based alarm clocks are incredibly popular, but they might not result in the best start to your day. This article looks at why sound-based alarms can affect your daytime functioning and explores alternative options that may help you achieve a more natural wake up.


How can I treat my insomnia?

Sleeping pills? Lavender on the pillow? Insomnia can be difficult to manage on your own but you don’t have to struggle with sleepless nights. Help is available.


Choose the gift of sleep

The benefits of a good night’s sleep cannot be overstated. If you’re feeling sleep deprived, or know someone who is, then now is the time to do something about it.


Does alcohol help you sleep?

Alcohol has been used as a sleep aid for thousands of years but the science tells us that drinking before bed rarely guarantees a good night’s sleep. Here we find out why alcohol and sleep are uncomfortable bedfellows.


Seven ways to de-stress before bed

You’re much more likely to sleep badly when you’re dealing with stress but there are many ways to de-stress before bed. In this article we focus on seven proven approaches to beating stress when you’re ready for bed.


Five ways the modern workplace stops us sleeping

Ever got to the office and headed straight to the coffee machine? Often find yourself worrying about work in bed? Regularly check work emails late into the evening? For Mental Health Awareness Week we explore how the modern workplace contributes to sleep problems and explain what can be done about it.


The sleep-friendly workplace challenge

Find Monday mornings tough? Ever thought your team could benefit from more sleep? Try our seven-day sleep-friendly workplace challenge for a more energised, more productive and happier workforce.


100 years of sleep diaries

Does Sunday leave you tired? Do you find yourself waking in the night? You’re not alone. Sleepstation has been helping people get better sleep since 2012 and we have decided to take some time to talk about what we have learned from reviewing 100 years of sleep diaries.


Should you tell your boss you have insomnia?

Insomnia can seriously affect your physical and mental health. Its impact on your personal and professional life can be severe but it’s nothing to be ashamed about. In this article we look at why it’s important to be open about insomnia in the workplace.


Seven tips to get a good night’s sleep with your partner

If you’re gripped with fear about sleeping in a bed with your partner, here are seven top tips to help you get the rest you need. Research has come a long way in recent years, with these helpful hints you can take the first step to get a better night’s sleep with your loved one.


Sleep and finance: invest in rest

Money worries can cost you quality sleep at the best of times. In this article we look at how financial concerns can affect your sleep and provide some tips for fixing the problem.


How overcoming insomnia gives you more time for friends and family

Between busy work schedules, house duties and general life admin, it can be hard to set aside time to just relax. Whether alone or with loved ones, making time for downtime can be a challenge. Find out how better sleep could lead to better relationships.


Can exercise help you sleep?

We know that exercise is great for your overall health and wellbeing, but can it impact how well you sleep? This article takes an in-depth look at exercise’s effect on sleep and vice versa.


How can pregnancy cause insomnia?

Pregnancy is an exciting time for most women, but hormonal changes can lead to sleep disturbance.


What causes insomnia?

If your sleep problem is affecting your daily life, then you may have a sleep disorder, such as insomnia.


What is insomnia disorder?

Insomnia is the world’s most common sleep disorder, but why do some people suffer more than others?


Why do we sleep?

Everyone sleeps, but why? Unlocking the mysteries of our bedtime habits.


Is too much coffee keeping you awake?

We all know that caffeine makes us feel more alert, but what affect does it really have on our sleep? This article takes an in-depth look at the effect caffeine has one our brain and body and how much it can impact your sleep.


How stress can stop you sleeping

Ever found yourself awake in the middle of the night unable to stop thinking? Found yourself lying there wide awake counting down how long you’ve got left to get some sleep? If so, our tips for improving sleep to cope with life’s stresses should help.


How overcoming insomnia can help you to lose weight

Did you know a good night’s sleep can help you lose weight? There is a clear link between sleep and weight. In fact, too little of the former can cause too much of the latter. Find out how treating your insomnia could help you lose weight.