How to get NHS access to Sleepstation
Check availability
Search for your GP surgery using the form below to check if our NHS service is available in your area.
Complete form
If available, you can request NHS access by completing a short form. Your details will be stored securely, to protect your confidential information.

Sleep better
When your NHS referral is approved we can help you with your sleep. Depending on where you live, you may be able to get instant approval.
Check if Sleepstation is available on the NHS in your area
Your GP might be able to refer you to us, providing you with free access to Sleepstation as an NHS patient. Search for your GP surgery to find out if Sleepstation is available on the NHS in your area.
Proven solution to most sleep problems
The techniques that we use in our sleep programme can improve sleep for the vast majority of people. However, if you have one of the health conditions listed below then some of the techniques that we use might not be helpful for you.
Sleepstation is not recommended for people with epilepsy, a history of seizures, psychosis, bipolar disorder, mania, schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia or a personality disorder. It’s also not recommended for those at high risk of falling or who are currently detoxing from drugs or alcohol.
We help thousands of people every month
We understand what good sleep looks like and are experts in sleep improvement. With our support and expert guidance, you could get the sleep you’ve been dreaming of within 3–4 weeks. Read some of our success stories to get a feel for what you could achieve with our support.
Adam, 24
- Sleeping badly for eight years
- Finding it difficult to fall asleep
Sleep quality
Before Sleepstation
After four sessions
Absolutely life changing, my stress levels have dramatically dropped. My performance at work is better and my mood has improved hugely. I’m finding it a lot easier to settle down and relax.
Tariq, 64
- Not getting enough sleep
- Finding it hard to cope
Before Sleepstation
4h 16mins
After six sessions
6hrs 54 mins
A very positive experience. My sleep has noticeably improved. I feel more in control of my sleep. I now have a more ‘get up and go’ attitude towards my daily life. I would recommend Sleepstation.
Cynthia, 52
- Waking up frequently during the night
- Experiencing racing thoughts
Average time taken to fall asleep
Before Sleepstation
1hr 30 mins
After four sessions
10 mins
It’s been three months since I finished Sleepstation and I have been sleeping really well and mostly getting 7–8 hours a night. If I wake up, I soon drift back to sleep. It’s amazing to finally get some decent sleep. I’m much happier and don’t worry about sleep anymore. Thank you all.
Sarah, 28
- Feeling groggy in the morning
- Very depressed
Good nights sleep per week
1 nights p/w
7 nights p/w
Having the support and encouragement from the sleep coaches for different techniques to apply really helped. The support has been great and my sleep has improved greatly. I no longer feel depressed. I’ve got my life back.
Rasima, 49
- Sleeping badly for almost a year
- Suffering from anxiety and panic attacks
Sleep quality
Before Sleepstation
After four sessions
I think it’s a fantastic resource that should be available to all. I’ve found it extremely helpful in dealing with my insomnia and feel that I’ve slept better in the past couple of weeks than I have done in the past year or so.
Kyle, 41
- Had trouble sleeping for 3-5 years
- Was reliant on sleeping pills
Falling asleep
in less than 15 minutes
Before Sleepstation
1 nights p/w
After four sessions
6 nights p/w
Sleepstation has really helped me, mainly with falling asleep quickly and waking up less. The coaches are so supportive. The assistance to queries and speed of response is fantastic.
Don’t sleep on it
Most people see an improvement in their sleep after four sessions. There is no better time to address your sleep problem than now.
Further information about NHS referrals
If you have insomnia we should be able to help you. We’ll spend a full week getting to know you and finding out about your sleep problem. We’ll tailor a plan to help you overcome your sleep problem for good, addressing your specific needs and circumstances. Most people who follow the Sleepstation programme are back to sleeping naturally again after just four sessions.
Sleepstation isn’t available on the NHS everywhere. It’s available in some parts of the UK. We can provide funding to help NHS patients living in areas where our NHS service isn’t available. If you live in one of these areas and would like to discuss funding options please call 0333 800 9404 or email
The Sleepstation programme is delivered entirely online and is accessed by the patient through their own smart phone, tablet or computer. Patients can access Sleepstation at a time and place of their choosing (home, work, anytime and anywhere) and they do not need to download an app to use Sleepstation.
Sleepstation is a personalised programme tailored to address the individual’s needs and unique circumstances.
The first step in treating insomnia with CBTi is to identify the underlying causes of the insomnia.
The Sleepstation programme begins with a week-long assessment and sleep review. At the end of the review, each patient receives a personalised report containing advice and guidance about next steps.
Most patients will progress to the therapy at this stage. For some patients, the Sleepstation therapy programme may not be deemed appropriate, and those patients will be provided with a full explanation and signposted to other services.
When patients enter therapy, a personalised sleep plan is created for them, based on information collated during their review.
The therapy programme which follows is based around this personalised sleep plan and is delivered via weekly therapy sessions. Through their Sleepstation account, patients also have access to a secure and confidential messaging service, providing them with access to a team of sleep coaches and CBTi therapists throughout.
Sleepstation is a clinically proven solution to insomnia and is built around the most effective treatment available for insomnia – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for insomnia (CBTi).
CBTi is the gold-standard approach and is supported by over 30 years of sleep science but it has historically been difficult to access, as few sleep services offer CBTi.
CBTi is proven to help people overcome insomnia and sleep better. It’s recommended as the first-line treatment for all forms of insomnia by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence in the UK and by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
CBTi is now available across the globe, via Sleepstation. The version of CBTi used within Sleepstation has been tested in large-scale research and has been proven to be very effective, often more effective than clinic-based care.
You can find out more about the impact of CBTi here.
The regulations that govern who can and can’t receive free NHS treatment are complex and may change. If you’re unsure if you’re entitled to receive NHS treatment please check before starting the referral process.
A person who is regarded as ordinarily resident in the UK may be eligible for free NHS treatment. Anyone coming to live in this country would qualify as ordinarily resident. Overseas visitors to the UK are not regarded as ordinarily resident if they do not meet this description.
There are no waiting lists to access Sleepstation on the NHS but, if you’ve been referred by a GP, we require confirmation from your GP before you start. GPs typically send the necessary paperwork to us within three working days of your appointment with the GP.
When we receive your GP referral we’ll contact you to provide you with details about how to access Sleepstation. We aim to contact everyone within two working days of a referral. If you’ve been waiting for longer than two weeks to find out if your GP has referred you please contact us to discuss.
Get help from our team
Call 0333 800 9404 to discuss the NHS referral process with a member of our support team.