Start sleeping better

Let’s fix your sleep

Our online sleep support program is one of the most effective in the world. We combine psychology and sleep science with personal sleep coaching to help people get great sleep. Designed by experts, backed by science and delivered with care, Sleepstation gives you everything you need to sleep better.


Find out what’s causing your sleep problem and restore your sleep

Struggling with your sleep and not sure how to fix it? You’re not alone. Over 30% of Americans don’t get enough sleep.

Sign up to our sleep support program to find out what’s going wrong with your sleep and get help to fix it. Through your online account, you’ll get advice from leading sleep experts and support from your personal sleep coaches. You’ll also have access to digital tools that can help you improve your sleep, happiness and quality of life.

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • No idea how to fix your sleep problem?
  • No time to fix your sleep?
  • Exhausted throughout the day?
  • Trouble thinking clearly?
  • Not sure whether to take sleeping tablets?
  • Tried many times to fix your sleep? Nothing works?

If this sounds like you — don’t worry. You’re not alone and we can help. We’re experts in sleep improvement. We’ll take the time to chat to you and learn about your sleep problem. We’ll work with you to find the causes of your sleep problem and help you overcome it.

And we’ll give you more than just the theory, we’ll also be there every step of the way to support and guide you on your journey to better sleep. With Sleepstation, everything’s in one place and available at a fraction of the cost of other less effective alternatives.

You deserve a good night’s sleep

When you join Sleepstation, you’ll get access to our dedicated sleep team, led by world leading sleep and digital health experts like Dr Neil Stanley and Professor Joe McDonald. Dr Stanley has dedicated his life to better understanding sleep and discovering effective ways to defeat insomnia. Professor McDonald has spent his career campaigning for better health data. Now they want to share their expertise with you through Sleepstation. Trust our expert team to guide the way and sleep problems could be a thing of the past for you.

Sleepstation gives you:

  • A detailed sleep assessment — Tell us about your sleep problem and we’ll help you find the solution.
  • Proven methods — Access the gold standard scientific approach to improve your sleep.
  • Personalized advice — Get support and guidance from your sleep coaches for seven weeks.
  • Remote 24/7 access — No need to visit us in clinic, we can help you in your own time, from your home.
  • Online tools — Complete sessions, record your sleep and track your progress from your secure online account.
  • Ongoing support — Get expert guidance and help to follow your personalized sleep improvement plan and see results within weeks.

We help thousands of people sleep better every month. We can help you:

  • fall asleep faster
  • stay asleep longer
  • improve your mood
  • achieve better quality sleep

Four steps to success

Get access

Create an online account today to get instant access to our sleep support program. Within a few hours you’ll be assigned to a dedicated team of sleep coaches to support and guide you.


Identify the problem

Your sleep coaches will work closely with you to pinpoint the causes of your sleep problem and highlight the solutions. They’ll also formulate an effective, evidence-based, multi-step plan for you to follow.

Reach your sleep goals

Fall asleep faster. Stay asleep longer. Get better quality sleep. Feel energized. Boost your mood. Maximize your brain power. Whatever your goal, we can help you get there.

Woman on bike

Sleep well, live better

When we sleep well, everything feels better. There really is no limit to the benefits that great sleep can bring. Whatever you’re dreaming of, whether it’s getting a dog, changing job, starting a new relationship, losing weight, starting a family, being more active, learning new skills, being more productive, managing your emotions better, having more energy, taking up a new hobby, socializing more or something else, great sleep can help you reach those goals.

The biggest risk is to do nothing. Do something!

Unfortunately, sleep issues usually get worse the longer you leave them. You’re much more likely to get the result you’ve been dreaming of if you make a start today. Don’t sleep on it!


We’re experts in sleep improvement

Trust us to guide the way and, within a few short weeks, sleep problems could be a thing of the past. We’ll show you how to apply the science, taking into account your personal needs and circumstances, to get the best sleep possible. We’ve helped many thousands of people from all over the world to sleep better. Could you be the next person we help?


Sleep better in weeks

Most people see an improvement after four sessions.

Get on the path to better sleep

Sleep problems tend to get worse the longer you leave them so it’s unlikely that this problem will resolve itself without intervention. Don’t stay at step one for any longer. We’ve never met anyone who has regretted prioritizing their sleep so we don’t think you will either.

We help thousands of people every month

We understand what good sleep looks like and are experts in sleep improvement. With our support and expert guidance, you could get the sleep you’ve been dreaming of within 3–4 weeks. Read some of our success stories to get a feel for what you could achieve with our support.

Adam, 24

  • Sleeping badly for eight years
  • Finding it difficult to fall asleep

Sleep quality

Before Sleepstation


After four sessions


Absolutely life changing, my stress levels have dramatically dropped. My performance at work is better and my mood has improved hugely. I’m finding it a lot easier to settle down and relax.

Tariq, 64

  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Finding it hard to cope

Before Sleepstation

4h 16mins

After six sessions

6hrs 54 mins

A very positive experience. My sleep has noticeably improved. I feel more in control of my sleep. I now have a more ‘get up and go’ attitude towards my daily life. I would recommend Sleepstation.

Cynthia, 52

  • Waking up frequently during the night
  • Experiencing racing thoughts

Average time taken to fall asleep

Before Sleepstation

1hr 30 mins

After four sessions

10 mins

It’s been three months since I finished Sleepstation and I have been sleeping really well and mostly getting 7–8 hours a night. If I wake up, I soon drift back to sleep. It’s amazing to finally get some decent sleep. I’m much happier and don’t worry about sleep anymore. Thank you all.

Sarah, 28

  • Feeling groggy in the morning
  • Very depressed

Good nights sleep per week

1 nights p/w

7 nights p/w

Having the support and encouragement from the sleep coaches for different techniques to apply really helped. The support has been great and my sleep has improved greatly. I no longer feel depressed. I’ve got my life back.

Rasima, 49

  • Sleeping badly for almost a year
  • Suffering from anxiety and panic attacks

Sleep quality

Before Sleepstation


After four sessions


I think it’s a fantastic resource that should be available to all. I’ve found it extremely helpful in dealing with my insomnia and feel that I’ve slept better in the past couple of weeks than I have done in the past year or so.

Kyle, 41

  • Had trouble sleeping for 3-5 years
  • Was reliant on sleeping pills

Falling asleep

in less than 15 minutes

Before Sleepstation

1 nights p/w

After four sessions

6 nights p/w

Sleepstation has really helped me, mainly with falling asleep quickly and waking up less. The coaches are so supportive. The assistance to queries and speed of response is fantastic.


Sleepstation on mobile

Don’t sleep on it. Start today.

  • Expert sleep analysis
  • Detailed sleep report
  • Sleep improvement plan
  • Sleep coaching
  • Ongoing support

Sleepstation is not recommended for people with epilepsy, a history of seizures, psychosis, bipolar disorder, mania, schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia or a personality disorder. It’s also not recommended for those at high risk of falling or who are currently detoxing from drugs or alcohol.

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We’re committed to providing an excellent service and we’re currently rated Excellent on Trustpilot. You can read independent reviews and feedback from people who trusted us to fix their sleep here.

Sleepstation is an online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for insomnia. This special type of CBT is called CBTi.

CBTi has been proven to be effective both in the short-term and in the long-term. It’s effective for all adults (both male and female). It can effectively treat insomnia that has been present for a short time, or lasted for many years. It’s also been proven to be effective in treating poor sleep and insomnia associated with medical or psychological conditions.

So, it’s very powerful and that’s why we’ve chosen to use it as the foundation for Sleepstation.

We know that CBTi is very effective. It requires commitment — it’s not always easy to apply the techniques but, when you do, it really works.

How we think and feel affects our sleep, and through the Sleepstation program you’ll have access to advice and techniques which have been clinically proven to help people fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

We’ll help you understand any bad habits that might be affecting your sleep, and provide support to help you change those, or replace them with more positive habits and routines.

Sleepstation is the online version of the CBT for insomnia which is used in specialist sleep clinics and it was developed with a leading sleep expert — Dr Kirstie Anderson — and based on the approach that she uses in her sleep clinic. All of the components of this online course have been tested to ensure that they are effective.

In the most recent study that we’ve published, over 80% of participants studied saw significant improvement in their sleep as a direct result of the Sleepstation program.

If you’re committed to overcoming your insomnia, and follow the plan that we create for you, we’re confident that you can improve your sleep. In addition to our own reviews and research into the effectiveness of Sleepstation, there are many scientific reviews which outline how effective CBTi is. CBTi is endorsed by the NHS and recommended by NICE in the UK and NIH in the USA.

It’s unlikely that a sleep problem that has lasted for more than eight weeks will resolve on its own. There are many options for addressing sleep problems from herbal remedies and sleeping pills to hospital-based care.

If you’re looking for a drug-free and clinically proven option that you can start today, then you’ve come to the right place.

Most people start to see results after three to four sessions. However, some people (in particular those who have very severe insomnia) make slower progress and it can take eight to twelve weeks before they feel significantly better. There are some people who will not feel better after completing the Sleepstation course. In those cases we need to explore whether the problem is insomnia and whether the person had been able to follow the guidance.

Everyone is different and it’s important that you take the time that you need to ensure that you get the full benefit of the course. Our support team will provide ongoing support via our secure and confidential messaging system to ensure that you get the best out of Sleepstation.

If you’re still not feeling better by the end of the course, we’ll provide advice and guidance to help you to move forward alone. Or, if you feel that you still need our support, you can sign up for enhanced support.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for insomnia (CBTi) is a tried-and-tested approach that can help people who have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or find that sleep is unrefreshing.

CBTi is a scientifically proven, highly effective way to end insomnia without relying on medications such as sleeping pills. This goal-directed therapy will also teach you a set of skills that can be useful if insomnia recurs later in life, as it often does. CBTi has long-lasting benefits and most people report improved sleep satisfaction.

CBTi is more than just basic sleep advice. It is an expertly guided approach to improving sleep.

Understandably, the answer is no. Nothing has 100% success rate, but all of the research which has been done to evaluate this type of therapy (CBT for insomnia) in face-to-face and online settings has consistently shown it to be effective for the majority of people.

In face-to-face settings, CBTi typically helps 50-70% of people with insomnia significantly improve their sleep and those improvements tend to be long lasting.

There have been various positive research studies into the effectiveness of online versions of this well established therapy and we have carried out our own research into this looking at the effectiveness of the Sleepstation online insomnia therapy compared to face-to-face alternatives.

Sleepstation’s online CBTi program has been proven to be more effective than its face-to-face counterpart, with over 80% of participants showing significant improvement in their sleep in published research.

If it doesn’t work for you, we need to think carefully about whether we have the right sleep disorder and whether you’ve been able to do what we asked. If Sleepstation doesn’t work for you, there may be other things which your doctor might want to try for your sleep.

If you’ve chosen a paid package you can either pay by card or by PayPal. We take payments upfront for these packages because commitment to the course is key. We’ve found that when people pay upfront they’re motivated to stick to the plan we recommend for them and they get much better outcomes as a result.

Lots of people tell us this. However, these same people usually find the techniques used in Sleepstation to be beneficial. The success of the techniques is primarily due to:

  • the order we do things in
  • the fact we take one step at a time.

It’s common for people to say, “I’ve tried everything, nothing works,” but when we look at what they have tried in detail, what most people do is try everything, all at once, for varying amounts of time and then become overwhelmed and give up. Trying everything all at once also means that we don’t know which parts work for us and which don’t. Sleepstation does things in a particular order, for specific amounts of time, step by step to make sure that each technique has the best chance to work for you.

Much like a diet, consistency is also key, and this is something you’ll hear from us a lot. Everyone is different, so different things work for different people. If a certain technique doesn’t work for you, that’s OK, but we’ll encourage you to try each one for the length of time that we know it tends to take for that technique to take effect, to give you the best chance of having success with this.

Most importantly, we’ll be here for you when you need us.